The Internal Assessment (IA) is unique to the International Baccalaureate. It is not a component of the Advanced Placement, the GCSE, or any other curriculum that I am aware of. The IA can be a paper, project, oral exam, workbook, or series of experiments, depending on the individual IB class.
IB IA tutors and the marking of IA
The IA is heavily criterion-referenced and the course instructors mark it internally. The IB then selects a sample of all completed IA’s per class and forward them to IB Examiners throughout the world for “moderation.” Moderation, in this case, means reviewing the accuracy of the internal marking. The examiner reviews each IA from the sample and then assigns his mark out of a total number of marks achievable – which varies from course to course. Even though the course instructors mark it internally, it is the moderated mark by the examiner that is awarded to the student. All students get their grades for completing the IA.
For example, if a paper is rated internally at a 20 and is moderated at an 18, then all papers rated at a 20 (those not included in the sample) will receive a score of 18. Experienced IB IA tutors who have been through prior IA moderation are often very accurate criterion-referenced markers. In such cases, the moderator will simply confirm the teacher’s internal marking with an occasional point added or taken away. IB moderators must also deal with the internal marking of inexperienced teachers or those who pay little heed to IB IA criteria.
In such cases, the moderator must read the entire sample closely and in effect, “remark” the student’s work. Poor internal marking generally results in inflated grades awarded by the teacher. It is an unfortunate fact the students are severely penalized in moderation when an entire sample is flawed by design or by an inaccurate internal marking.
The uniqueness of IB IA
The IA is a unique partnership between the student, the instructor, and the IB examiner. While neither the instructor nor the student ever has contact with the examiner, all are working from the exact set of criteria in constructing, guiding, and evaluating the finished product. One obvious characteristic of the IA is that the student, the instructor, and the school itself have clear control over much of the outcome of the IA.
In other words, IA marks will generally be high when the instructor, the student, and the available resources align to create a quality product. The more competent the instructor, the more motivated the student, the more subject-specific resources available, the higher the final mark will be. The outcome of IB exams (on the other hand) are controllable only to the extent that the material is adequately covered in breadth and depth and that students have highly developed test-taking skills.
Major challenges
Students do not know the exact questions in advance when they sit for IB exams. However, students and instructors are well-aware of IA criteria, and the challenge is then to produce a quality product rather than to try and outguess the IB exam makers. As a consequence, students and instructors must strive to achieve the highest possible marks on the IA (which generally counts from 20% to 40% of the subject grade) in order to offset any problems that may be encountered on the IB exams.
Top-tier public and private IB schools are generally consistent in the quality of their IA samples, 2 the high marks their students receive on their internally assessed work. IB Coordinators work hard to achieve internal consistency and high marks on all samples submitted. Top IA scores correlate with high exam marks and also with the Diploma pass rate. Thus the IA is a solid indicator of the quality of the entire Diploma Program itself. Below the top-tier schools, there is often a variation in the quality of IA samples from class to class.
Variance in IB IA score
While the IBH Theater Arts mean IA score may be a 6 in any given year, the IBH Physics mean score may only be a 3. There are many reasons why IA scores may vary greatly between subjects at a particular school, not the least of which may be the nature of the subject itself. However, in my experience, a competent and knowledgeable IB teacher will consistently produce high IA scores year after year while an inexperienced teacher or one who is lacking in subject knowledge will struggle to produce passing IA scores. Many diplomas are lost each year by students who submit a sub-standard Internal Assessment in one subject or another. As a past IB teacher and Coordinator and a current IB Examiner, here are our IB IA tutors 10 best tips on how to “ace” the Internal Assessment and help ensure a top grade in any class:
Best Tips from IB IA Tutors-
► All IA are criterion-referenced, meaning that the Examiner must ensure that you satisfy a stated criterion before awarding top points. Criterion points are awarded according to mark bands. A typical mark band may be from 0-3 points with 3 indicating a fully met set of criteria and 0 indicating an absence of any reference to the criteria. Know the IB criteria for your particular course – they are available in the IB Subject Guides – and continually review your work to ensure that all criteria are being met. Get help from our IB IA tutors in this for best grades
► Unless your instructor assigns your IA topic, choose your topic very carefully. Examiners often witness the same papers, experiments, and oral arguments year after year. Although the IB does not award points per se for creative and thoroughly original work. But examiners will be duly impressed with an inquiry that is vibrant and fresh. Pursuing a boilerplate topic or simply rehashing an old subject does not constitute a meritorious inquiry. As a wise man once said, “you cannot fix by analysis what you ruined by design.” Get help in the analysis by our IB IA Tutors.
Start Early with IB IA Tutors
►Our IB IA tutors suggest starting your IA early, even before the instructor asks you to begin. Gathering your data or creating your portfolio is a time-consuming process. IA’s begun and finished in the senior year only can be hasty affairs. There are many sound reasons to begin your IA in your junior year. And then do the bulk of your work during the summer between grades 11 and 12.
► Personalize your IA wherever and whenever you can. Become a part of the inquiry itself. Write/present/create with clarity and enthusiasm. Make the examiner understand that the topic of your IA is your passion, regardless of what subject.
Some more Tips from IB IA Tutors
►Our ib IA tutors suggest considering the IA to be an open-ended rather than a closed inquiry. You don’t need to know how your IA will turn out or what you will conclude until your analysis is Pennsylvania International Academy. | complete. It is one thing to have a focus (essential for the IA) but it is another thing entirely to reach your overall conclusion before collecting your data.
► Most IA’s whether written or oral ask you to develop your thesis or hypothesis before proceeding with your inquiry. Make certain this foundation statement allows for a legitimate quest rather than a dead-end pursuit. Intending to solve the Kennedy assassination once-and-for-all is doomed to failure. As would be to establish the precise impact of global warming on the world ecology. Don’t be afraid at the end of the IA quest to disprove your own theory or hypothesis. Some of the best IA’s uncover new information that disproves conventional wisdom or prior findings. Our IB tutors can guide you in this
►When you get stuck, ask for help. Sometimes a student gets so wrapped up in the IA. That they fail to see an answer that lays straight ahead. An objective second opinion from a teacher or peer. It can keep you from working in isolation or going off on a tangent.
Control the bias
►Bias is unavoidable but you must control it for throughout your inquiry. You should not pass personal as analysis. If your World Religion paper favors one religion over another, you will not earn many points from the examiner. If your Individual Oral Commentary in Humanities asks you to critique Hamlet. And you choose to critique The Bard himself because you dislike Shakespeare, you will also lose major points. Empiricism is compromised if you exhibit your biases or prejudices. A personal or political agenda seeping into your work is a recipe for disaster. Hire our IB IA tutors to get help.
IA Templates
► Use IA templates. Chances are that your IB teacher has examples of winning IA’s from past years. Study these examples to learn what works and what doesn’t for the IA. Your teacher also has access to “Exemplars” of the Internal Assessment. So that he may download from the IB Online Curriculum Center. These typical examples run the gamut from stellar to mediocre. Most come with Moderator Comments so that you may see exactly where you won or lost criterion points. Get help in this from our IB IA tutors
Visual IB IA Presentation
► Finally, the visual presentation that your IA makes is very important. Likewise important is the oral presentation you make on the IOC in Groups 1 and 2. Stylistically, put your best foot forward. Whether you are submitting a paper, a portfolio, a project, a presentation or your Group 4 experiments. The closer your work is to publication quality, the more you improve your chances of receiving a high mark. Now go out there and grab that big “7” on the Internal Assessment!. Here I am suggesting some 200 IB IA Topics for Mathematics. You can also get help from our IB Maths Tutors for free for your Maths IA HL/SL topics.
Help in IB IA from IB IA Tutors
The main intention of all the International Baccalaureate (IB) programs is to grow the global perspective of an individual by providing the international standard education which is globally accepted. IB IA Tutors goal on providing intellectual, emotional and social skills needed to live learn and work in a globalizing world. IB programs encourage academics and personal achievements.
Here are a few key areas where our IB IA Tutors can help
What is Internal Assessment
Internal Assessment (IA) is a subject related assessment, which every student needs to submit on a particular topic which is offered by International Baccalaureate (IB) it’s a sixty-page document in which student needs research, experiment and analyze things and explain it on their own words with a related example. There are so many subjects offered by international baccalaureate like; History, Maths, Science, Geography, etc. So first of all students need to pick up the unique topic to which students can relate personally so they can put their hundred percent to write good internal assessments (IA). IB IA Tutors suggest, Don’t use a general topic, choose a unique topic to stand out from the crowd always do your research properly so you can do better. And your research document is internally assessed by our teacher and externally assessed by the International Baccalaureate (IB) Board. IB Maths IA Tutors
Significance of Internal Assessment:
Public examinations or external examinations do not provide the opportunity to evaluate the cultivation of such qualities of behavioral growth in a human being. The method of internal assessment helps teachers to assess the development of such quality in students. Apart from this internal assessment also shows the complete picture of student learning. It is a process to which student progress is evaluated by the teacher it helps students, teachers, and parents to understand the growth of the student, and it also helps to detect the area where a student needs extra help and support.
Most of the IAs are graded by the IB IA Tutors (using special marking schemes of course) but the teachers always have to send in a couple of copies (I believe the IB sort of request a couple) that are then moderated (i.e checked by another examiner). If they feel as if the marks are too low, they will raise ALL of the internals that the teacher graded for that session, if too high, they will lower it, or they will simply leave it be. IB Maths IA Tutors
There is some internals that are though actually external assessments. For example, in A2, you do ‘written tasks’ which are basically two creative pieces, one for the cultural option and one for the literary option. Those who get weeks to write with drafting and etc and needs to be computer-typed and etc but then they are sent off to an examiner (just like exams, the theory of knowledge and the extended essay) to be graded and thus NOT by the teacher. IB Maths IA Tutors
The IA task differs greatly from the subject but the product is always some kind of essay. For example, in psychology, you do an experiment and then the IA is the report/essay.
Major Key points to write good Internal Assessment
Pick a unique topic – This is very important to select a unique topic because everything depends upon that, always try to choose a different topic that attracts the examiner and explains it with a good realistic example to support your content. To choose different topic student needs to search on the internet and select accordingly, a good topic is an add-on for your internal assessments.
Don’t force personal engagement – IB IA tutors suggest not to put unrealistic ideas and experiments in your internal assessment, however, personal assessments require personal engagement but you need to choose it wisely and apply because unnecessary things will mark you down. Examiners will easily identify the need for personal engagement and don’t try to force anything and write the thing that comes naturally.
Plan your experiment – It is a really important part of your internal assessment always plan your experiment and it should be real and related to the outer world because if you are falling in the experiment and proving it incorrectly then your internal assessment has no sense. So plan your experiment wisely and also use it in the correct place to get the most advantage of it.
Presentation Matters –
Presentation is a really important part of all your internal assessments so always use the correct format of writing and use correct punctuations to make it more presentable.
Deliver your diagram – If it requires then put a diagram in your internal assessment to make it more clear and understandable but the entire diagram should have proper labels and denote the point which you want to explain, don’t put unnecessary diagrams.
Create a good research question – When you writing your internal assessment create a good research question always refer to the sources you use and not make the things, your question should be unique and logical.
Give quality – While writing the internal assessment students tend to make these mistakes to run over the words limits but quality matters over the quantity. Always be selective to your words and provide quality of research data. Students are running to write twelve pages long researches but IB Maths IA Tutors tell you to provide quality data in seven and eight-page it’s more than enough.
Always use references
To write good internal assessments always support your research with the reference you are using. Why is your topic important to the society and environment to support them always use reference. take help from IB IA Tutors
Justify properly – Explain everything clearly because the examiner doesn’t know everything about your topic (Internal Assessment) to support your content explain every point to make a clear sense. Also, explain why you doing the things so the examiner gets a fair idea about your research.
Closure/Outcome – In closure be explicit and explain everything clearly, explain all the things and why you choose to do that give a clear picture of your content and what outcome you get with the topic you choose. So be precise and give a pointer to explain your point it should be crisp and to the point.
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